A Dead and Stormy Night (Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries Book 1)

A Dead and Stormy Night (Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries Book 1)

by: Steffanie Holmes


Genre: Paranormal Romance
Themes: Paranormal Romance
Length: Committed Relationship (300-600 pages)
Series: Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries 1 / 10
Kindle Unlimited: Yes

My new job at Nevermore Bookshop was supposed to be easy. Turns out, the bookshop is cursed and brings infamous fictional villains to life. Now Heathcliff, Moriarty, and Poe’s raven are blowing up my life, and when my ex-best friend shows up dead, I wonder how far they'll go to protect me. And these villains...they like to share...